Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Examples of 3200 speed film (not my pictures)

I chose these photographs because I thought the lighting and subjects were appealing, and I thought the photographers used 3200 speed film very effectively. I have already taken my 3200 film roll, but I will use these photographs as examples for the next time I use the film. These photographs will influence my 3200 speed picture taking because I will try to make better use of my lighting and take pictures during a different part of the day (dawn or dusk). The grain in both photographs is not very noticable, but the picture of the ballerina is more grainy than the one of the stadium. I like the grain, but I would also like the pictures without any grain. I wasn't really happy with my use of lighting because I took the photographs at night and the contrast was too much. The dark spots were way too dark and the light spots were way too light. In the future I will take the pictures at dusk/dawn instead of late at night. I used ISO 6400. The advanage of this film is that you can take good pictures in really low lighting to capture things that would not be able to be captured with 400 speed film. It's disadvantage is the overwhelming contrast you can end up with if shooting at night.

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